Tuesday 6 January 2015

Phoenixwood - Sustainable Wood Source for all Veneta Real Timber Venetian Blinds

Phoenixwood is proving to be one of those rare environmental solutions that also make economic sense. The mitigating effects of sustainable forest cultivation on climatic change and the environment are a good news story for our planets future. Being aware of this fact Veneta is proud to announce the launch of their “real” timber blind program. All Veneta timber blinds are made of the finest Phoenixwood, a sustainable tree species that has genuine green environmental credentials.

The Phoenixwood tree, also known as Paulownia or Kiri tree, is one of the world’s fastest growing tree species. Sawn timber can be harvested in less than 10 years, and after harvesting, a new tree can grow from the original the stump (coppice growth), using the old and well established root system. This procedure can be repeated several times, saving post-harvest clearing, land erosion and the resultant run off and river salinity.

But this very adaptable tree is also favoured for another very important environmental reason. With their giant leaves these trees act as huge lungs to scrub the air. Every year each tree removes large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere replenishing this with oxygen. In addition the leaves that drop each winter, release nitrogen and increase soil fertility.
So for real, premium quality timber venetian blinds, choose Veneta Blinds! As we care about our environment and do our best to preserve it. To see our range go to https://venetablinds.com.au/19-timber-blinds

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