Monday 11 May 2015

Privacy Awareness Week 2015 - Tips to ensure your protection on the Internet

Privacy Awareness Week 2015

As you all know privacy on the internet is extremely important so to ensure you know how to protect your personal information we have a few handy tips for you...

1. Change your password regularly - Do this as often as possible, put a reminder in your calendar every quarter so you don't forget.
2. Use different passwords for different websites - This way f 1 password gets compromised you don't have to worry about all your other accounts.
3. Secure your home WiFi connection with a password - This way only people you have authorised to use your WiFi connection will have access to it.
4. Lock your gadgets with passwords - Always put a pass-code lock on your smart phone and passwords on your laptops ad other gadgets, this way if thy're lost or stolen no one will have access to information stored on the device.
5. Don't share your passwords - Pretty simple, but the more you share the more risk you are putting yourself into.

Password Tip: Don't make it obvious, mix up the cases and add numbers. Also, the longer the password - the harder it is to guess.

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